I must have complained a lot about how cold it is in Cambridge last time I wrote. A kind reader replied to recommend silk long johns (which I will definitely be trying). I’ll try to steer clear of weather reports this week. I’m sure there are far colder places than here!

If you were one of the readers who listened to my recording of the first chapter in my Shadows of the Void series, many thanks! I received some fantastic and supportive feedback. I’m going to continue to record at least one chapter per week for you to listen to, if you like that kind of thing! You can download chapter two (and chapter one if you missed it) here.

This week’s bargain books include the first book in my four-book collaboration with M.D. Cooper. I have to confess I sometimes forget to tell readers about this series within the Aeon 14 universe because it’s Mal Cooper’s as well as mine. Carthage is book one and it’s just 99 cents or 99 p at the moment.

Bargain Books

Carthage, Building New Canaan book 1

Carthage, Building New Canaan book 1

An enemy thought long dead waits in the shadows.

It’s taken nearly two centuries to reach the New Canaan System. Four beautiful, pristine new worlds await the colonists, but there’s trouble in paradise.

Upon arrival, Governor Richards gives Erin a special mission: to build secret shipyards in the outer system, hidden within moons and safe from prying eyes.

Yet while Erin makes good progress in space, construction efforts on the planet of Carthage falter, causing the governor to call her down to the colony world to get things back on track.

To speed things up, Erin uses the colony’s most valuable tool: their picotech. But a sinister agent attempts to steal a picotech module, and the colonists realize their past troubles have returned to haunt them.

Now she’s in a race to identify the perpetrator and keep New Canaan’s picotech out of the hands of the colonists’ enemies, who would use it to destroy them.

Nab your copy here.

We are not alone in the galaxy. 

On a dark world far from our home, an epic war started a chain reaction, sending two alien races on a collision course with Earth.

Sienna Wolfe lives alone in a cabin in the Ouachita Forest. Her life is quiet and simple until a strange craft crashes in the forest nearby.

To keep their presence on Earth a secret, Sienna is offered a choice: die or go with the alien she saved from certain death. Sienna accompanies the alien and finds herself caught in the middle of a bitter battle between two warring alien races, the likes of which could wipe out mankind.

As she races to align her new allies with the U.S. military, she soon learns that her new friends may not be as noble as they seem. Can Sienna prevent an interstellar war from claiming Earth, or will she become the harbinger of an alien apocalypse?

Pick up your copy here.

Publishing News

My adventures reacquainting myself with my homeland continue. Last week I visited Peterborough Cathedral. What a magnificent edifice! I had no idea Peterborough was home to such an ancient, beautiful and historically important building. Mary Queen of Scots was buried there but the cathedral predates her death by several hundred years.

All these historical adventurings are fodder for my next big series. What does ancient British history have to do with science fiction? Sorry, you’ll have to wait until summer 2020 to find out.

Enjoy your books!

P.S. Download your free reading guide to all my series here.