
As I write this it’s a wet, windy night outside and I’m very happy to be in the warmth and light of our little home. I mustn’t complain because the west of the British Isles have been battered by storms, but I’m glad that the days are getting longer. In a few weeks we’ll be heading up to Edinburgh, where it will be even colder, lol. I’ll be sure to take plenty of pics to show you.

I’m so pleased to be able to bring you something a little special in this bulletin. It may seem odd for a writer, but I don’t have many print copies of my books. I’m a bit of a minimalist, and moving from country to country forces me to limit my ‘stuff’ too. But I wanted to check the quality of the paperbacks I’m in the process of making available at bookshops, so I ordered a copy of Daughter of Discord. (You can see it below.)

Then I thought, hey, I can send out an autographed paperback as a prize! If you’d like a personally dedicated, signed copy of one of my books to sell for millions of dollars when I’m a household name…(er, sorry, I was getting carried away there). If you’d like a chance to win this book, which I’ll send anywhere in the world, please fill in this 5-minute survey Don’t forget to write your email address at the bottom so I can contact you if you win.

I hope you enjoyed your free Carrie Hatchett Christmas stories. If you want to read more of Carrie’s adventures, I’ve reduced the first three books to 99 cents or 99p for a limited time. Also included this week is my good friend James Aaron and J.N. Chaney’s very popular Galactic Law.

Bargain Books

Carrie Hatchett, Space Adventurer box set

Carrie Hatchett, Space Adventurer box set

If you like Doctor Who, you’ll love Carrie Hatchett’s Space Adventures.

Carrie Hatchett’s been a dog walker, ice cream seller and birthdaygram girl—the clean kind. All she wants is a proper job. But Transgalactic Intercultural Community Crisis Liaison Officer isn’t what she had in mind. And neither is saving the galaxy.

Join Carrie on her adventures here today!

Galactic Law

Galactic Law

Lethal force is authorized.

In the wild space of the Deadlands, Taurus Station is where miners and tourists come to play, and the ravager gangs follow close behind. Out here, far from the civilized world, the Law has a name.

Gage Walker is the son of hard-nosed asteroid miners. Brash, rough, and crude, he’s one of the few deputies working the station.

Still a rookie, Walker is tasked with the security of a mining magnate’s daughter, an easy job that quickly takes a turn for the worst.

The ravager gangs want her, and it falls to Walker to find out why.

In a chase across Taurus Station, Deputy Walker must prove he’s fit to wear the badge and issue his own form of justice…one body at a time.

Pick up your copy here.

Publishing News

Even more chapters of The Galathea Chronicles are now available in audio. I’m really hoping I can finish the first book of the trilogy soon.

The next three books in Star Mage Saga are now up for preorder! Mercenary MageAccursed Space and Flight From Sanctuary all went up on Amazon today and now I’m just waiting for the ‘Zon to link them up to the main series. The blurbs on the fifth and sixth books are only one sentence but it’s something to go by, I hope.

A few shipmates have written to ask about the next Space Colony One books. I’m taking a few months off from that series to allow the ideas to percolate through my brain. One thing I’ve realised is there needs to be a fourth book in part two before I write the final trilogy. But I’ll tell you more about that later.

Enjoy your books!

Daughter of Discord

Daughter of Discord