Woowee, things are full steam ahead aboard ship. (Not that our starship runs on steam — it runs on handwavium.) Have you ever moved country?  What a palaver! Space journeys are much less bother.

Can you guess which member of the crew is the most difficult to ship? No, not the captain, the chief engineer, or the cabin boy. It’s the ship’s cat. Black Cat is proving to be the most expensive living thing to transport. And does he care? You can judge for yourself.

One of the questions a shipmate wrote on the survey I ran a couple of months ago was: Is the ship’s cat going to have to be quarantined when you get to the UK? Also, if you’re flying, is the ship’s cat going to count as one of your carry ons?

Unfortunately, pets can only enter the UK as cargo, so our cat can’t travel as a carry on (a blessing for all the passengers, to be honest). But according to the current rules he won’t be quarantined, thank goodness. Taiwan is a rabies-free country.

I must return to writing Space Colony One, part two, The Scythian Wars. This part of the story involves two new main characters, though you have met one of them already. The writing is going well and hopefully the books will be out this summer.

If you’re looking for good quality, bargain reading material to keep you going, take a peek at J.L. Stowers’ Vengeance Lost, and S.D. Tanner’s Dead Force boxset. Both are 99 cents.

Vengeance Lost

Vengeance Lost J.L. Stowers

Vengeance Lost J.L. Stowers

From hero to scapegoat in the blink of an eye.

Star Captain Dani Devereaux promised her life to the Galactic Conglomerate.

She never thought they’d actually take it. When war doesn’t go as planned, someone needs to take the blame. Now, the GC turns a stern eye toward Dani, a rising star in their ranks.

But their real reason for wanting her dead goes beyond anything she could have ever imagined.

Snag your copy here.

Dead Force

Dead Force by S.D. Tanner

Dead Force by S.D. Tanner

Tag is a man without a past and a bad future.

Waking up in a chamber full of half a million sleepers is bound to confuse anyone, but learning you’re on a spaceship hurtling through the universe will really ruin your day.

Book One: Sandman
Finding over a million sleepers on three arks, an infestation of space fleas, and no idea how he or the squad got there, Tag is having a bad day.

Book Two: Lockdown
Realizing he is not entirely blameless for what happened to the world, Tag desperately looks for a way to gain the upper hand against enemy aliens he can’t even find.

Book Three: Firefight
War is about real estate and, with Jessica near death, Tag is running out of time to reclaim even a small part of his country.

Dead Force series is a wild ride through space, filled with cool tech, mad aliens, and a stubborn squad refusing to quit.

Nab your copy here.

Enjoy your books!