Carrie Hatchett, Space Adventurer

How has your week been? The winter rains have finally arrived here in Taipei, and I’ve spent most of my week sitting in a cafe madly typing Shadows of the Void Book 7 while looking out at wet streets.

Now the weekend’s here, I’m looking forward to curling up at home with a good book. If you’re also in the mood for reading (and let’s face it, what sane person isn’t at the weekend?) you can pick up some free scifi & fantasy from the wonderful Instafreebie. Go here to see the selection.

Many of the authors are also offering related books at a discount. Click here for 99-cent books.

Coming up…

Along with other members of the Taipei Writers’ Group, I’ll be at the Taipei International Book Exhibition from the 8th to 13th of February.

So last night, I ventured out into the cold, wet evening to pick up two suitcases full of Carrie Hatchett, Space Adventurer and Shadows of the Void trilogies from a printer. I don’t know if I’ll sell them all, but whatever I have leftover I can use as prizes for Starship JJ Green passengers, right? In case you missed the winners of my Christmas competitions, you can see them here.

Happy reading!