Wildfire and Steel ebook cover

Wildfire and Steel, Star Mage Saga book 3

Our starship will be navigating to a new system in the middle of next year. It will be departing the Taiwanese cluster and heading to the ancient U.K. nebula. Yes, circumstances are forcing us home in the not-too-distant future. Which, if you like winning paperbacks signed by their authors, is good news for you!

I have some books I want to give away over the next few months so I’m going to be holding some signed paperback competitions. Nothing too onerous, and hopefully they’ll be fun. The first challenge is to name a weird food and post a picture if you can. Preferably here on our Facebook page, but you can also write to me by replying to this email.

The ship’s progress report for this week is good. Tyre will be finished and off to M.D. Cooper for his finessing in a couple of weeks, and then I’ll be on to the third book in one of my two current series. My space fantasy Star Mage Saga is slightly more popular, so it looks like Wildfire and Steel will be next in line.

But I know you shipmates need your books at a much faster pace than I can supply them. Check out C.C. Ekeke’s Star Brigade and Zazhariah Wahrer’s Harbingers of the Dawn for two great 99-cent books.

Star Brigage Resurgent ebook cover

Star Brigage Resurgent

Humankind is under siege. Time to send in Star Brigade.

Following a deadly ambush, Captain Nwosu is tasked with resurrecting a once elite unit of covert supersoldiers.

He must now rally an unlikely, untested band of brothers to protect Union Space–and humankind’s survival–from galactic empire upheaval.

If he can’t, they’re all as good as dead.

Star Brigade: Resurgent is filled with wonderfully complex layers of character drama and space soldiering, political conflict and rich world-building. The intensity of Arthur C. Clarke with an expanded universe found in the likes of Mass Effect.

Get lost in the kind of immersive space opera you love to read today.

Pick up your copy here.

Harbingers of the Dawn ebook cover

Harbingers of the Dawn

The Breakers continue flooding across the Akked Galaxy, stealthy and unstoppable. Their next target: the Founder of the Ashamine. Crasor knows if he can kill the supreme human leader, the Ashamine government will plunge into pandemonium.

Bound together by a vague prophecy and mysterious powers, Tremmilly and her friends are confronted with an Ashamine invasion. Caught off guard, with only a derelict transport ship to face the vast armada, the odds look grim. Will the Ashamine capture them or will the Breakers obliterate everyone first?

Harbingers of the Dawn continues the Dawn Saga, blending multiple viewpoints and a diverse cast of characters into a galaxy spanning tale of epic science fiction.

Snap up your copy here.

Enjoy your books!