
The cold weather has finally hit here in Cambridge and as the price of power is currently £1,000,000 per watt, like the rest of the UK we are battening down the hatches to keep out the winter chills.

Thank goodness for electric blankets, that’s all I can say.

Thanks also to William Retsin, who upped his Patreon pledge. Every little helps and it really is appreciated. Another reason for mentioning Patreon is due to some shipmates’ confusion over the starship’s subscriber models.

Tier 2 Patreon supporters receive a copy of every new release about a month before the book goes on sale to the general public. The next release will be Star Mage Saga book 8, Galactic Rift. On the other hand, paid subscribers here on Substack receive a chapter every week of the latest book as it’s being written, plus a pre-release copy at the same time as patrons.

I hope that’s clear.

On to the cabin boys’ reunion. You may already know our starship’s cabin boy recently resigned his commission in order to embark on a course of study at Cardiff University.

What you may not know is that since her launch, three cabin boys have served aboard Starship JJ Green. Last weekend they held a reunion in Birmingham and what an event it was. We visited Baddesley Clinton, an amazing house in the heart of Warwickshire. At 600 years old, the house contains much of the original decor, very old furniture, priest holes, and many fascinating stories. Far too many tales to tell here, unfortunately, but you can see a couple of pics at the bottom.

As you might imagine, three young and not-so-young lads together resulted in more shenanigans that are probably inappropriate to mention.

Perhaps in a later bulletin.

An action-packed space opera with strong characters!

An eccentric, trigger-happy captain and a level-headed commander vie for control of the Starship Gemini, but are forced to mix their two very divided crews when they encounter a space barge full of militarised waste.

They say it takes two to tango, but when facing this planet-destroying vessel, and the rumour of an ancient, hidden foe in the Umbra, it takes the military might of Captain Skip Sutridge and the scientific genius of Commander Maggie Antwa to be in with a fighting chance.

Some say the stars are infinite, but the potential to defy cosmic threats is greater still when divisions are set aside for a greater good. That’s a lesson that isn’t easily learned by these space-faring twins, but it’s not a lesson that will go to waste.

Snap up this standalone tale in the Infinite Stars universe here.

Take care and enjoy your books!