When times are tough it’s best to positive, right? Here aboard the starship we’ve had some tasty homecooked meals and your captain has knitted an entire cardigan. Not a typical pursuit for a starship captain, but if Picard can drink Earl Grey I can darn well knit! (Darn, geddit?)

What are some positive things you’ll be taking away from your quarantine experience? Perhaps you learned a new skill or finally caught up on your to-read list? Pop over to our Facebook group and let the rest of the shipmates know, or reply and tell me. I’d love to know.

If you really have finished your list of books to read, I have a nice surprise for you. I bundled all ten Shadows of the Void books into one boxset and put it up for sale for 99 cents (or 99p). Bought separately the books would cost at least $12 or $13, so that’s quite a discount.

And if that isn’t enough reading for you, how about a bundle of novels by different authors entirely free? Check out Savage Stars below.

Welcome to new Patreon supporter Russ Kirkpatrick!

Featured Books


Kickass sci-fi heroine versus deadly aliens.

Growing up as a Martian on Earth has left Jas Harrington solitary, quick-tempered, and with zero tolerance for fools. All plus points when working as chief security officer aboard prospecting starships.

Jas’ latest berth is aboard the Galathea, which trawls the reaches of the galaxy seeking precious minerals and rare resources. She thinks it’s a routine trip.

She’s wrong.

Snap up your copy here.



The universe can be savage, but these heroes won’t go down without a fight.

Seven full-length novels by bestselling authors that explore the far reaches of the universe, the limits of the human mind, and the divide between man and machine. Aliens, AI, and post-apocalyptic adventure–you’ll find them all among the Savage Stars.

Download this free collection here today!


Publishing News

Accursed Space went out to Patreon supporters last week. If you’d like to read chapter one for a flavour of the book, pop over to the starship’s blog. And if you’re still new to the Star Mage Saga series, don’t forget to open next week’s ship’s bulletin, when I’ll be discounting all the current books!

I know I’ve been very quiet on the audio books front. The reason for this is ACX, Amazon’s audio wing, is very slow to upload new books at the moment, and so my motivation has been sapped. But, rest assured, I will be posting links to Generation and Stranded soon.

Enjoy your books, stay sane, safe and happy!