Brrr! Things are cooling down aboard our starship, and your captain has been forced to divert a little heat from the engines to the life support system. The ship’s cat isn’t objecting, as you can see at the bottom of the bulletin. Notice how he bypasses the radiator bed and makes a beeline for the radiator itself? He doesn’t miss a trick.

I hope you’re doing well during these tumultuous times. Some extra upheaval is on the cards for our starship in the near future when – hopefully – your captain moves house. (Moving tips much appreciated.)

A little certainty helps with the pressure and stress, so I thought I’d map out what’s happening on the starship for the rest of the year. 

As promised, the first box set of the Star Mage Saga is here! This is the story of Carina Lin, a mage with a mission to find a safe haven for her family. The second box set, of books 4 to 6, comes out at the end of October. (If you aren’t an Amazon shopper, fear not – the saga will go live at other bookstores in 2021.) 

Something else to look forward to is your free Carrie Hatchett Christmas story. Every year I write a new story to add to the collection and send it to shipmates as their holiday gift. So far, Carrie’s been to London, Norway, Australia, and Canada. I wonder where she’ll go this year?

Featured Book

Carina Lin is a slum brat turned merc, with a twist. She’s also a mage.

Carina would love to use her mage powers when she fights. If only life were that simple. In her part of the galaxy, mages live in fear of discovery. Slavery and torture are the best they can expect.

When a young boy is kidnapped and Carina embarks on a suicidal mission to save his life, she faces a terrible decision. For the rescue plan to succeed, she must Cast. But if she does, it could mean the end of everything for her.

So begins the dark, exciting space fantasy, Star Mage Saga.

Pick up books 1 to 3 here today! (Universal link)

Publishing News

Coming up soon is my latest series, a space fantasy that blends space opera with British mythology. Patrons will receive their copies by the end of this month and the book goes live to the general public in December. 

Enjoy your books, stay sane, safe and happy!