
Do you remember the days when authors were distant, unapproachable figures? One of the best things about being an indie writer is the close relationship I can have with readers. I love to hear from you and I love to find out your opinions on my books. It’s honestly very helpful to me to get your feedback. I’m always trying to improve my work and your opinion helps me to do that, even if it’s as little as a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ about a cover, for example.

Which brings me neatly to my next point. 🙂 What do you think of the cover at the bottom of this bulletin? It’s book 4 of my Star Mage Saga, Mercenary Mage. I’ll be putting up the preorder soon and I want to check the cover is as awesome as I think it is.

You can let me know what you think here in our Facebook group or by commenting on this post.

Bargain Books

A new flagship. An unfamiliar crew. An old nemesis.

Thomas Baldwin has been appointed captain of the state-of-the-art cruise ship Constantine, named after his heroic grandfather. When their first diplomatic mission turns deadly, all signs point to the return of a former adversary, one the Concord claims to have defeated five decades earlier.

Snap up your copy here.

When the Eden Plague is loosed upon the world, the forces of order and chaos, good and evil must battle it out in a struggle for control and supremacy. A PTSD-damaged combat medic, a female Marine with no legs and a sniper with no remorse might be its only hope of survival. Can these flawed heroes drive back those who would enslave humanity? Or will the darkness spread and swallow them up?

Download your copy here.

Publishing News

I had great fun finishing off your free Carrie Hatchett Christmas story this week. I named it Carrie’s Quiet Christmas but as you might guess, it’s anything but a quiet Christmas for Carrie. Is it ever? I sent the story to a beta reader for some final feedback and it’s going to be ready – along with all the other stories – to include in the Christmas Eve ship’s bulletin.

Lots of readers downloaded their free copy of The Concordia Deception from my direct store, which is fantastic. If you get my books directly that means the book is entirely yours to do with whatever you want. Many online bookstores retain the right to remove an ebook you ‘bought’ but that isn’t the case with books you get directly from me. You can also send the file to friends and family without violating any intellectual property laws.

Reviews of Final Onslaught are going up. If you’re in the Review Crew, check your emails.

Two more chapters of The Galathea Chronicles audio book are ready for you to download here.

One more week to Christmas. Hang in there! We can do this.

Enjoy your books!

Mercenary Mage, Star Mage Saga

Mercenary Mage, Star Mage Saga