I hope life has been treating you well since my last Starship JJ Green newsletter. My week has been great, and that’s mostly due to the fantastic response to the

publication of the ninth book in the Shadows of the Void series, Shadow Battle. Thank you so much if you downloaded a copy. I hope you enjoyed the penultimate installment in Jas’ story.

My mind is bursting with ideas for the final book, Shadow War, which will need to be novel length in order to fit everything in! I’m so looking forward to getting it all down, though I’ll be sad to leave the characters after getting to know them so well.

Last week, I mentioned that I’ve opened up my beta reading and ARC teams to applicants. I’ve already added some new names, but there’s still room for more if you’re interested. Just write to me at jenny@jjgreenauthor.com and include a link to a review you wrote of one of my books.

So, what’s new? I’m excited to bring you a couple of great sci-fi books this week. Patty Jansen has published a novella called Contamination, and Andrew Broderick’s The Cosmic Bullet is only 99 cents. See below for more information.

What secrets lie in the cold depths of space…?

Entering our solar system, the Enigma is just that: a mystery. The vast alien object, ten times the size of a nuclear submarine, is a complete unknown. But Storm Kovaks, a space salvage company owner, knows one thing: the Enigma is the answer he’s been waiting for. With the immense titanium exterior worth its weight in gold, Storm knows that plundering the spacecraft is the only way to provide for his daughter and keep her safely out of the hands of her mother’s verbally abusive lover.

But even determination finds an enemy in ambition…

As a brilliant scientist for NASA, Drew Kovaks has a successful life, built in accomplishment. But it’s not enough. Hell-bent on getting his name in the history books to satisfy a deep sense of childhood inadequacy, Drew knows his golden ticket is to be the first to set foot within the Enigma. And he is no stranger to competing against his brother.

With space law granting ownership of any unclaimed craft to the first man to arrive on it, the Kovaks brothers, bitter rivals, find themselves in a race against both the clock and each other, with futures on the line. Can Storm make enough money to regain custody of his daughter? Or will Drew possess the object and fend off all others?

The Cosmic Bullet is part one of a gripping sci-fi adventure that will have you turning the pages. If you like bold exploration, mysterious intrigue, and a healthy dose of sibling rivalry, you will love The Enigma Series.

Download your copy here.

Jonathan Bartell is a young man, just out of university, when he signs up for the position of Quarantine Officer at the Orbital Launch Station.

He is part of a crop of students who flocked to study exo-biology when bacteria were discovered on Mars, and who are now all making their living flipping burgers, because the jobs are few and hard to get.

He is lucky to get a job in space, no matter how mundane.

Or so he thinks…

Gaby Larsen is a doctor at the tiny hospital at the space station, and she keeps secrets, not because she wants to keep them, but because she is too scared to share them.

Because out in space, your worst enemies are your fellow travellers.

Pick up your copy here.

If you have Kindle Unlimited membership, pop over here and find some fantastic sci-fi and fantasy books you can download for free. My own Earth Chronicles is included in the selection.

It’s getting towards the end of the month, and that means it’s short story time for my patrons! As well as jotting down ideas for Shadow War, I’ve been writing my monthly exclusive short story I offer on Patreon.

My account at Patreon is quite new, and this is only the second story I’m providing. Future stories are going to include background events that shaped my characters’ personalities and lives, and behind-the-scenes tales that happened while the main stories progressed.

You can help support me to produce my sci-fi series and have access to my stories and other rewards for as little as around $1/month. Sign up here.

Lastly, have you seen the latest Game of Thrones trailer? Oh my word, I’m so looking forward to  the return of that series! I’m usually a sci-fi gal, but that’s one fantasy that’s got me hooked! (Might be something to do with Jon Snow).

I’ve also been enjoying the TV series Humans, which stars one of my favourite actresses, Katherine Parkinson. But I’m rushing through it to watch another sci-fi series that was recommended to me called Fortitude. Do you have a series you would recommend to lovers of sci-fi? Let me know on Facebook or Twitter.

Happy reading!